Fun, team building and 'suspense'?


We are back with the 2024 edition of The smartest buying team!, organized in co-creation with Nevi. In the mood for fun, teambuilding and a thrilled challenge with your team? Register HERE.


We offer separate prizes for advisory and non-advisory firms. For the winning organizations of The smartest purchasing team! free participation in a live Nevi event is available. In addition, the winning team will receive the highly acclaimed tonii community cake!


You are welcome to participate with your team that exists of minimum 2 and maximum 4 participants.

tonii goes philosophy!

Want to win this cake?

Then register yourself for The Smartest Buyer! or with your organisation for The Smartest Buying Team! The winner will receive this now much-prized tonii community cake!


Never stop growing!

tonii community is a platform for professionals in purchasing and public tendering and/or who work in sustainable chains. The main objective is the further development of competencies, (soft) skills and knowledge of procurement professionals all over the 🌎. tonii community supports the sustainable 💚 development goals as defined by the United Nations. 


tonii community introduces an e-lounge next to this website. Where the website primarily provides information (sending), the e-lounge offers all sorts of possibilities for interaction (sending and receiving). As a member of tonii community, you can for example listen to podcasts, follow experts (podiums), share a vacancy collegially, participate in a discussion, ask a question or even follow an e-course on soft skills. For more information on tonii community's e-lounge, click here.


The button below will take you directly to the login and registration page of the e-lounge. After registration you will have free and unlimited access to the e-lounge (including e-learning). Also, you wil receive ten times a year the monthly tonii update by email.


tonii community's e-lounge is supported by an app for your mobile phone. Check the App Store or Google Play and search for Huddle community & e-learning.  #stronglyrecommended. content wordt niet weergegeven als gevolg van je huidige cookie-instellingen. Klik op het cookiebeleid (functioneel en marketing) om akkoord te gaan met het cookiebeleid van en de content te bekijken. Je kunt hierover meer lezen in de privacyverklaring van

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