After the successful introduction in 2020 of the web challenges The smartest buyer! and The smartest purchasing team!, tonii community continues with this concept in the 23-24 season in collaboration with Nevi. The next edition (#9) is on 16 November 2023 when we will stream live from Brewery De Prael in The Hague where Nevi Community Southwest organizes her quarterly networking event. Participation in The smartest buyer! #9 can be online or physical at the brewery. Please register HERE for The smartest buyer!
The smartest buyer! has eight themes (rounds) of four questions each which results in a total of thirty-two questions. The max answering time is 30 seconds.
The smartest buyer! is organized in the form of a webinar in combination with an online voting system (Mentimeter). Via the app (Mentimeter) you can - after entering a code - choose an answer. For your score, it is not only relevant whether you give in the correct answer, also the speed of answering counts.
The winner of The smartest buyer! takes the title and 250 euros. Also the much acclaimed tonii community cake will be granted to the number 1. The numbers 2 and 3 will receive prizes of 150 and 75 euros respectively.
In addition there's also a tonii cake for the organisations who brings in the most finishing participants.